Are you one of the people that have read my book already? You know who you are!

Tomorrow, Monday, November 9, 2021, is launch day for my book! Everyone will finally be able to read it (thank you to those that have pre-ordered and are patiently waiting!)

One of the big asks I have: Would you please review my book ON Nov 9th?

Set a reminder

Put it in your calendar

Set up an alarm…

Whatever works for you.

But pretty please with a cherry on top, review my book on Nov 9th or sometime this week, I would appreciate it so much!!

Why is this so important?

Reviews the day of release are really helpful! Reviews the week of are very important. Reviews in general, at any time, are very much needed, for a few reasons:

  • For rankings (fancy talk for getting my book seen) on Amazon
  • Giving it “street cred” for people that are just browsing
  • Great for feedback
  • A nice measure of success of the book (for potential future publishing, in my case, like physical books)

No matter what, I don’t care the success of this book.

I pray and know a believe it will reach who it should, exactly in the right time it should. That’s all that matters, and I am in full belief God will answer that prayer. This is His thing, I’m just along for the ride.