How The B.Y.B. Toolkit Will Help Your Brand Grow (Before You Ever Have A Logo!)
This might surprise you but…
You don’t need to be a brand designer to have a business or a brand.
Okay, maybe it’s not that crazy of a statement.
But, I still bring it up because I’ve seen business owners believe the lie that they need to have a logo or brand identity in order to be considered legit.
And while a logo can give that impression, it’s not the end all be all, and certainly not something you need to focus on getting exactly perfect when you’re just starting out.

I have created brand identities and helped others build their own brand for over 12 years. In fact, the first logo I ever created was for my father’s *very established, well-known* heating and cooling company. I mean, he had been in business since before I was born. And if memory serves me correctly, I was about 16-17 years old when I made his first logo. He put a lot of faith in me! (I’ve since rebranded that original look, don’t worry!)
The point being, I have been around the brand design block for a while, and I’ve continually seen a need in this space:
A logo is super cute to have, but what do you do with it once you get it?
Of course: Put it on your website, social media, business cards – plaster it ev.ery.where.
But then what? If it’s more than just an image, what else are you supposed to do with it?
You’re not the only one wondering.
That’s why I decided to reverse the process, and create something to help. Something that would get you past thinking, “I need a logo” to “I need to know what to do with it once I get it.” Something that would 1) Help you understand those branding basics, 2) Allow you to get started on your branding before you ever have a logo, and 3) Give you a game plan for consistency.
That’s where The B.Y.B. Toolkit comes in.
✔️ It’s here for the small biz owner and the side-gigger that wants to learn more about branding and needs to get things rolling on their brand identity.
✔️ If you have a logo you’re not a fan of, or you need a new one for your brand new business, this is for you.
✔️ If you don’t feel like a ‘creative person’ or know anything about branding, this is for you.
✔️ You might not know what you want your *dream* brand identity to look like, or feel a lack of creative vision for your brand. This is for you.
✔️ You could be saving up for what you want. You might need a brand re-fresh. This is for you.
It could be all of the above, or a mix. The B.Y.B. Toolkit is for you.
FACT: Your brand identity is more than just your logo.
→ Branding Basics
Ever wonder what goes into the process or terms you might want to know to communicate effectively with your (eventual) brand designer?
→ Idea Stacks & Mood Boards
Want to know how a brand designer gets inspired and picks elements for a brand identity?
→ Fonts & Colors
Stuck on what fonts and colors to pair together, or how a brand designer would do it?
→ Brand Consistency
Need to learn how to pull everything and implement it across your business in order to create continuity, direction and a process for longevity?
All of the above comes with The BYB Toolkit.
When you’re done with it, not only will you have a style guide, typography, color palette, and a plan for brand consistency – which is a heckofalotta value packed in right there – you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to be your brand’s creative director.
Complete with templates and video tutorials, this toolkit will get you ready to launch your brand (either new or refreshed) with confidence.
This toolkit is not just for the here and now, it’s to prep you for the longevity of your brand. If you’re lost and don’t know where to start, this is a great investment in your brand, and ultimately yourself as a business owner.
Still a little curious-yet-skeptical? Let’s get into it, rapid-fire style:
“I don’t have the funds for a brand identity right now”
That’s exactly why I created The BYB Toolkit! It’s for those that need a new brand, or a brand refresh, but don’t know what they want and/or don’t have the funds for it right now. It at least gets you off and running in the meantime. Plus, when you’re ready, you’ll be one step ahead because things are actually set up for longevity (brand consistency) AND you’ll have the backend knowledge (process, mood boards, fonts & colors, etc.) you need to actually get what you want from the brand designer you hire.
“I can’t commit to a brand designer”
Totally understandable. I feel the same way about things in my own business that I need help with: website templates, photography, copywriting… It’s hard to find someone you trust and get what you need and want out of the deal. Sometimes it takes trial and error, which is not my favorite part of the process. With this Toolkit, you’ll be able to take your time choosing a brand designer, and still get going on your brand identity well before you have a logo. You won’t have to make a hasty decision you’re not happy with just to get something produced
“I already have a logo, but it’s not my favorite”
I would definitely say this is for you. You might want to learn a bit more about the branding process before choosing your next brand designer – for your own knowledge as a biz owner and it will help you to learn more about the process so you can talk with your designer and actually get what you’re wanting the with your re-brand.
“I don’t know anything about branding or brand consistency.”
This Toolkit will teach you about branding basics, as well as brand consistency and how to implement it across your brand. It will help you whether you’re just getting started or you’re already established and needing some more knowledge and direction. It’s easy to read, there are plenty of video tutorials and templates to get you started, and there’s even an action plan to help you if you need it.
Those that understand the brand process are more likely to achieve a strong, consistent brand that is recognized beyond its logo.
“I’m just not a creative person”
You don’t need to be a brand designer to have a brand. And chances are, if you have or want to start a business, you are at least a *little* creative. It might not be in the design-y way that comes to mind when you think of branding, but starting a biz takes creativity- in planning, in execution, and in continuing to move forward.
“I have a lack of creative vision for my brand”
Meh. You might not know the ‘right’ terms or mechanisms to DIY it, but you probably have a plan. You might have goals. You probably have an idea of where you want it to go or your dreamiest version of what it could look like down the road. You can figure out + write down your messaging (brand story, vision, values, purpose, mission). And knowing those things? You’ve got a vision, and you can start to look at all the creative/branding things through that lens.
“I don’t know anything about branding”
If you’re still here, that means these statements resonate – but it also means you have the capability to LEARN. Don’t set your sights on becoming some brand-pro-or-bust, but rather focus on the fact that the information is literally at your fingertips, all you have to do is search (youtube, insta, good ‘ol browser) + put your mind to learning. And take notes. Lots of notes! Frameworks, templates & toolkits also help – don’t be afraid to invest in what matters!
If you’re still here, that means what I’m saying resonates – and it also means you have the capability to LEARN.
Don’t set your sights on becoming some ‘brand-pro-or-bust’. But rather, focus on the fact that the information is literally at your fingertips, all you have to do is search + put your mind to learning.
If you want to get in the fast lane, where frameworks, templates & toolkits are all there in one spot for you, click here to learn more about The B.Y.B. Toolkit. It’s easy to read, there are plenty of video tutorials and templates to get you started, and there’s even an action plan to help you if you need it. Don’t be afraid to invest in what matters!
Still looking for a little more from me before checking out The B.Y.B. Toolkit? Grab your Brand Consistency Game Plan Checklist!